National CT Head reporting radiographers special interest group

Aims and Objectives

The purpose of the group is to:

  1. Give professional credence and support for CT Head Reporting Radiographers undertaking these extended roles and at all stages of practice development.
  2. Provide a support network for sharing experiences.
  3. Provide a discussion forum for sharing knowledge, best practice and interesting cases.
  4. Provide a safe environment to discuss reporting pitfalls and errors.
  5. Play a pivotal role in the development and enhancement of professional practice.
  6. To review and encourage professional publication.
  7. Investigate the setting of a national standard by which radiographers can audit their practice.
  8. Provide a conduit between practicing radiographers and the SCoR.
  9. Raise the profile of CT Head reporting Radiographers.
  10. Share information relating to equipment and procedures/protocols to encourage and support best practice.
  11. Discuss relevant National publications and their potential impact.
  12. Meet twice a year (May/November).
  13. Act as co-ordination between local groups.


If you’re not currently a SIG member – but would like to join (it’s completely free) then please e-mail your name & place of work to: Stuart Baines

This enthusiastic group run an interactive and educational members only Facebook forum (CT Head SIG) and also organsie live zoom educational events. Contact Tamsin for more information.