A new website has been launched by the Centre for Advancing Practice to provide a dedicated online presence where advanced practitioners, employers, educators and beyond can find the information they need about the centre's work and processes.
Building a recognised and visible advanced practitioner workforce is a priority for the NHS - there is a clear and identified need for highly experienced clinicians who are trained to an advanced level of practice.
Health Education England established the centre to oversee the workforce transformation of advanced level practice, by establishing and monitoring standards for education and training, accrediting advanced level programmes, supporting and recognising practitioners, and growing and embedding the advanced and consultant practice workforce.
The centre aims to deliver this through five key functions:
Seven regional Faculties for Advancing Practice have also been established to drive pioneering workforce transformation for advanced practice across England, to develop modern pathways of care, improve patient safety.
The faculties will work across their local systems to identify workforce demand, commission high-quality education and training, optimise clinical training, supervision and assessment and support communities of practice to drive ongoing development and support to improve patient care.
To find out more about your regional faculty visit the Advanced Practice website.