Radiographers are encouraged to take part in Greener AHP week

Learn what steps you can take to contribute to an environmentally sustainable NHS

Published: 22 April 2024 Campaigns

Greener AHP Week is an annual initiative that aims to inform Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) including radiographers, about the ways in which climate change is affecting health, how health systems are affecting climate, and how they can help deliver environmentally sustainable healthcare.

Greener AHP week is also an opportunity to showcase the sustainable activities that are already happening in trusts across England, to share best practice and encourage other teams to implement the same strategies.  

The week kicks off on Earth Day, Monday 22 April and there are plenty of ways you can get involved such as making a sustainable goal as part of your own CPD, arranging a regular team walk or cycle to work day, or participating in the Green Your NHS initiative. For actionable steps you can take to improve you own environmental sustainability and examples of what other AHPs are doing, visit our hub. You can also share via social media the work you or your team are already doing, using the hashtag #GreenerAHP. 

AHPs are key to creating a greener NHS

Radiographers are one of the fourteen AHPs that deliver high-quality care to patients across a wide range of care pathways. With AHPs making up one of the largest clinical workforces in the NHS, it means they are key to creating environmental sustainability for both population health and the health of the environment.

In October 2020, the NHS became the world’s first health service to commit to reaching carbon net zero in response to the profound and growing threat to health posed by climate change. You can learn more about the steps the NHS is taking to combat emissions and the ways you can help achieve their goal via the related e-learning session on elfh.