Children and Young People’s Imaging Special Interest Group re-launches

A Special Interest Group for advice and guidance on the imaging of children and younger patients relaunched last month

Published: 04 March 2024 Children

The Children’s Imaging Task Force (CIT), a group dedicated to provide advice, guidance and education for radiographers undertaking children’s imaging, has been relaunched as the Children and Young People’s Imaging Special Interest Group (CYPISIG). 

The CIT worked in parallel with the Association of Paediatric Radiographers – however, the association recently disbanded, as advances in technology including social media and the lack of funding available for study days meant the ability to run events became untenable.

Both the association and the CIT connected radiographers who were interested in children’s imaging with specialist children’s radiographers and education experts, helping improve professional practice.

'Person-centred care'

The CYPISIG represents the combining of the association and the CIT, and reflects the Society’s commitment to providing the best possible care for children and young people attending for diagnostic imaging.

A spokesperson for the SoR said: “A focus on person-centred care, and a greater awareness of neurodiversity means the need to improve children’s services is greater than ever in a pressurised and busy health service.”

To support a smooth transition, committee members of the APR have agreed to be the initial leaders of the CYPISIG, bringing their knowledge, expertise and experience to develop the group into a useful forum for anyone involved or interested in improving children’s imaging services.

These include:

  • Myriam Jackson (chairperson), who has experience in working in a tertiary dedicated children’s hospital and now works as the lead paediatric radiographer in a large district general hospital, where she is an advanced practitioner.
  • Emma Rose (vice-chair), who is a consultant interventional radiographer in a world-renowned specialist children’s hospital.
  • Harry Bliss, (secretary), who has a background as Head of Education in Advancing Practice, in both under and post-graduate education, and is an Advanced Practitioner.

New skills and new questions

With new staff joining the radiographic workforce from different educational backgrounds, both new skills and more questions are brought with them.

The revised 2023 HCPC (Health and Care Professions Council) standards of proficiency for radiographers clearly identify the need for specific skills and knowledge of children’s imaging for all radiographers at the point of qualification, and therefore a requirement for continuing professional development for those whose scope of practice keeps them in contact with children’s imaging.

Existing CIT members have automatically been transferred to CYPSIG on the Synapse platform. Students, newly qualified or experienced radiographers who wish to join this new group please contact [email protected]

Special interest groups (SIGs) are independent groups of members and non-members who are supported by the Society of Radiographers through promotion on the SoR website and by access to an online platform for communication. SIGs share information across their specialities and provide a place to connect with colleagues from across the UK.

(Image: Phil Boorman via GettyImages)