Leading the Way in Radiography Advanced Practice (LTWRAP) is taking place online between 19 - 22 November 2021.
The themes for the conference are:
- Getting off the ground – preparing for an advanced practice; transitioning to practice
- Making a difference – setting standards; building evidence; measuring impact
- New roles, new directions – implementing an advanced practice role or service; new models or ideas
The keynote speakers will include:
- Rob Milner| Consultant Reporting Radiographer, Rotherham Foundation Hospitals NHS Trust
- Nicole Harnett | Director of the Accelerated Education Program Princess Margaret Cancer Centre (PMCC), an Assistant Professor in the Department of Radiation Oncology at the University of Toronto (UTDRO), and the Director, Curriculum for the Institute of Medical Science, Faculty of Medicine, also at UT
- Michael Neep | Radiographer Team Leader of General and Emergency Radiography Departments, Logan Hospital in Southeast Queensland, Australia
- Mike Odgren | Advanced Practice Radiographer, Diversified Radiology of Colorado in the United States
When buying a ticket SoR members should select either the student rate or the association members rate to attend this conference. Please note the price is in Australian dollars:
Early Bird Conference Registration - open until Monday 18 October 2021
- Association Members: $100
- Non-members: $150
- Students: $50
Conference Registration - available from Tuesday 19 October - Friday 19 November 2021
- Association Members: $120
- Non-members: $170
- Student: $70
For more info and to register, please visit the LTWRAP website.
Did you know...
LTWRAP began as a two-day conference at Sheffield Hallam University in 2016, bringing together medical radiation science professionals from all over the world to share their experiences and interest in advanced practice.