Are you ever in a situation where you’re lone working?

Published: 05 December 2016 Ezine

Are you ever working without a colleague nearby or out of sight and earshot?

The SoR needs responses to a survey of members who carry out lone working to assess the security protocols in place.

This research follows a motion passed at the Society’s most recent Annual Delegates Conference, which called for the organisation to ensure the safety of lone workers was prioritised.

The term ‘lone worker’ can refer to a variety of staff who work, either regularly or occasionally, on their own.

It may also apply to people who work:

  • outside normal working hours
  • in direct contact with the public
  • remotely from or within a central office
  • remote from access to standard emergency services

The data gathered from the survey will be used to demonstrate the disparities between the levels of protection for lone workers across regions and employers.

Take the survey

The survey will be open until 18 December, with findings published early in 2017.