Following the successful inaugural meeting of the CT Leads Special Interest Group in October 2018, nearly 40 members attended the second meeting at SoR HQ in London.
Chair Andrew Stephens welcomed the group and outlined the day. The morning session was a ‘Question Time’ style panel discussion. Thea Buchan, Jenny Unsworth, Colin Stuckey, Matthew Benbow and David Sugden led the discussions around various topics including innovative approaches to recruitment; application of assistant practitioners in CT; CT radiographer advanced practice roles; and minimum specification for new CT scanners.
A lunch was kindly sponsored by Canon Medical Systems during which many of the discussions continued less formally.
The afternoon session commenced with a presentation from Laura Shell, a research radiographer from Birmingham Heartlands Hospital. Laura outlined her PhD project, investigating the feasibility of standardisation of CT protocols. This sparked a lively debate amongst the group. The group believed standardisation should be done locally and had reservations regarding extending it beyond local trusts.
The group then split into smaller breakout groups which enabled more detailed discussions around topics including extensive debate regarding the recently published national exemplar PGDs for iodinated contrast media.
Finally, Colin Stuckey, discussed the group’s virtual forum.
The group currently has nearly 90 members and is free to join and open to all CT leads, advanced practitioners and educationalists, working in diagnostic, therapy or PET CT across the UK. The next meeting is planned for June in Manchester.