Enthuse and inspire students

Published: 24 May 2019 Ezine

At the Annual Delegates Conference 2019, on behalf of Scotland, William Woods spoke to composite motion 1 on student placement experiences, asking for a UK-wide campaign to address training needs.

“Radiographers are our professional role models and yet students have been made to feel like an inconvenience, leading to reductions in the numbers of imaging examinations they can perform and a loss of that vital information exchange,” Will said.

The campaign would remind radiographers of the oath they took to ‘understand the importance of participation in training, supervision and mentoring’ to ‘enthuse and inspire’ students.

“The repercussions of inaction are already resulting in venues being avoided. The more concerning element is the potential for these students to enter the workforce lacking the expertise and confidence to perform their role with vigour,” Will continued.

The motion was seconded by the Eastern region and carried.