The Society is encouraging members to have a ‘What matters to you?’ conversation with patients and carers on 6 June.
The aim of the ‘What matters to you’ campaign is to encourage and support more conversations between people who provide health and social care and the individuals, families and carers who receive that care, and to shift the focus from ‘what is wrong with you?’ to ‘what matters to you?’.
In previous years on the day, people have held coffee mornings, put up feedback trees for children, added ‘What matters to me’ boards in patients’ rooms, held awareness raising sessions for staff, and invited colleagues to commit to asking the question.
More than 600 organisations internationally took part last year, and the number is growing.
"This campaign is a perfect fit with the Society’s commitment to understand better what patients want and to give them a greater voice in their healthcare pathway. We would encourage all members to take part and request the resources that are on offer," Charlotte Beardmore, the SCoR director of professional policy said.
There is more information and resources that can be ordered via NHS England and What matters to you Scotland.