The meeting was in London on 4 October, supported by the SCoR. More than 50 radiographers and advanced practitioners registered an interest and the day was attended to capacity with many others asking to join the next meeting.
The group formed in response to an increasing need for collaboration and peer support within an imaging pathway experiencing growing demand and rapidly evolving technology, including hybrid techniques such as PET CT and SPECT. There is no existing UK wide network for CT service lead radiographers.
To establish a successful and robust SIG, the group established common objectives and terms of reference. Following an invitation for nominations from the membership, attendees elected Andrew Stephens from Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust as chair, and Cate Savidge from The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust as vice chair. Thea Buchan from University College London Hospital kindly volunteered to take the minutes of the meeting.
Lynda Johnson, professional officer for clinical imaging, gave an update on the key areas, which stimulated group discussion on the use of patient group directives, apprenticeships, recruitment and retention, staff development and rotation, and safe staffing levels.
Areas of interest and variations in practice were identified for discussion at the next meeting. These included staffing rosters, training and postgraduate education, and medicine’s management. There was enthusiasm to develop shared policies and procedures.
Membership of the group is open to all SCoR members who are CT service leads or CT advanced practitioners within the NHS, or the independent sector, and includes therapeutic radiographers involved with CT planning. The group will operate independently of the SCoR but in accordance with its code of professional conduct. Work will be promoted and shared on the SCoR website under the guidance of a professional officer.
If you wish to join please contact Andrew Stephens.
Minutes of the meeting and useful information requested by the group are available on the CT SIG webpage.
The next meeting is 11am to 3pm, Thursday 7 February 2019 at SCoR HQ London.