ISAS: "Paperwork was the cornerstone to our success"

Published: 02 June 2016 Ezine

More and more imaging providers around the UK are going through the process of having their service accredited by ISAS.

Over the course of the afternoon, delegates heard real examples of the number of benefits of having accreditation, including structured, standardised policies and protocols, and an overall improvement in the quality of service, but also heard vital tips on how to navigate the course of gaining accreditation.

Having a dedicated ISAS lead to drive the project forward, keep track of all paperwork and keep staff updated and motivated was a key piece of advice from Rachel Nolan and David Truman from Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Rachel and David delivered a joint presentation on the drivers for their journey to gaining ISAS accreditation and the benefits they’ve experienced so far.

David said: “The NHS has changed and the expectations of the government and patients have changed with it.

“It’s not good enough to just know you’re doing best practice anymore. We needed to prove that what we were doing is recognised as best practice.”

At Peterborough and Stamford, getting documentation in order was the key to successfully gaining ISAS accreditation in 2013, explained Rachel.

“We standardised all of our policies, paperwork and local procedural documents. This way there is a benefit for staff who get used to the same layout for all key areas from the department,” she said.

“Paperwork was the cornerstone to our success with ISAS.”

Rachel and David rounded off their talk by giving delegates several key tips for survival.

“Have a dedicated ISAS lead, be organised, find a document template that works, centralise all information so that staff can access it easily, involve all staff and go into it with your eyes open as it can be all-encompassing.”