Join the Approval and Accreditation Board and help to develop the workforce of the future

Published: 02 August 2018 Ezine

Expressions of interest are invited from SCoR members who would like to be considered for appointment to the Approval and Accreditation Board (AAB). 

We are currently seeking representation from both diagnostic radiography (both clinical and academic) and therapeutic radiography (clinical), however, all applications will be reviewed on their own merit.

The Board oversees education and individual practitioner accreditation for the College Board of Trustees. Those wishing to apply must be:

  • An experienced College of Radiographers’ Assessor
  • In good standing with the SoR (as evidenced by a strong membership record)
  • Respected and held in high esteem by their peers
  • Excellent collaborators and active team members
  • Energetic and enthusiastic in relation to the profession
  • Able and willing to devote time and energy to the group between meetings by email and other electronic means; and be able to attend up to three meetings per year in London and a similar number of video conference meetings

For further information and terms of reference please email Michele Landau: [email protected]

Those wishing to apply should submit a short CV, no longer than 2 sides of A4, plus list of publications/presentations. 

The CV should also include your SoR membership number, length of membership, HCPC registration number (if applicable), and clearly identify the nature of the expertise you bring to the group.

Expressions of interest/applications should be emailed to [email protected] by midday Friday 21September 2018.

To find out more about the AAB and to view the full list of Board members, visit: