Looking for research grants? We have some great deals for you

Published: 15 March 2018 Ezine

April is the month to get research grant applications in and the College has a host of opportunities for every level of researcher.

CoRIPS Undergraduate Research Grants
There are two undergrad grants, which were created to give students research experience and to encourage them to consider a career in scientific research.

They provide support at £180 per week (£190 in London), for between six and eight weeks.

Applications must be made by a member of the teaching team who will supervise the research.

Since 2014 the scheme has supported seven grants and provided approximately £7000 of funding.

2018 application deadline: 1 April

College of Radiographers Industry Partnership Scheme Research Grants
These are small grants for projects related to any aspect of the science and practice of radiography. The aim is to support at least one grant for someone who has little or no previous experience of undertaking research and development projects. 

Bids are invited up to £5000 for small projects and up to £10,000 for a larger concept. However, bids for funding exceeding these amounts will be considered

Feedback is provided to everyone who submits a proposal and successful applicants are assigned a named contact person from the SCoR.

In the most recent round in October last year, three grants were made totalling almost £28,000:

  • Emma Hyde from the University of Derby was awarded £13,675 for Developing informed measures of patient centred care for diagnostic radiography.
  • Susan Williams, a consultant radiographer in breast imaging at Shrewsbury Hospital, £5000 forBreast Screen Reader Assessment Strategy (BREAST): UK Collaboration.
  • Charles Sloane, principal lecturer University of Cumbria, £9123 for The legacies of contemporary medical imaging education: Graduate perspectives on preparedness for the workplace.

There are other examples on the CoRIPS Research Grants page.

Since 2006 the scheme has supported 65 grants as well as four joint pump priming grants with the Royal College of Radiologists for more than £431,000.

2018 application deadlines: 27 April and 1 October

Measuring the patient experience of radiographic procedures to improve the patient pathway
This is a new grant.

Research applications focusing on the following are eligible:

  • Identification of patients’ priorities from clinical service - what is important for them
  • Patient partnerships, in relation to improvement of physical, social, psychological and spiritual support
  • Improving patient pathways
  • Patient involvement, to improve patient experience and guide practice
  • Capturing and using patient experience across the age range and across all modalities
  • The patient voice and feedback - quality of care.

Three grants are on offer with a total pot of £20,000 available.

2018 application deadline: 27 April

College of Radiographers Doctoral Fellowship Grant
Two fellowship grants of up to £25,000 for Society members who want to do doctoral level research in the following topics: 

  • Accuracy and safety
  • Technological innovations
  • Public and patient experience
  • Service and workforce transformation
  • Education and training

The research will result in a published article in the College’s peer-review journal, Radiography, and a public address at one of the CoR’s conferences.

Applicants must be full members of the SoR and be registered with the Health and Care Professions Council or appropriate voluntary register. You also should be in receipt of a full or conditional offer for doctoral studies at a UK university within one of the four research areas mentioned above and provide at least one submission to Radiography in the grant year. Evidence of support from your employer is also required if remaining in part-time employment, because research will require time out from normal work duties.

So far, four grants have been granted totalling circa £100,000.

2018 application deadline: 1 April