Safety issues in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a guidance and advice document from SCoR and BAMRR, has been published, providing direction to radiographic staff on where appropriate information can be found.
All professionals who are working or intending to work in MRI are recommended to read the literature listed in the document to gain a more in-depth appreciation of the issues involved.
It aims to increase awareness and reiterate safety issues that are uniquely associated with MRI and identify the professional responsibilities in ensuring safe practice in MRI.
Practical advice is offered for the development of an MR (magnetic resonance) safety framework and information is given to departments regarding any relevant legislation relating to MR safety, such as the 2016 Control of Electromagnetic Fields at Work (CEMFAW) regulations.
You can also expect topics to include radio-frequency radiation, pregnancy, medicines in MRI, the ISAS standard, MR phantoms and many more.