The Allied Health Professionals Federation (AHPF) has published a new strategy supported by Public Health England which sets out a vision for the role of AHPs in public health.
The strategy is based around 5 key goals, defining how they will be implemented and what you as an AHP can do to help make sure they are achieved.
The goals are:
1. The future AHP workforce will be fully equipped with the skills, knowledge and attributes to promote the health and wellbeing of individuals, communities and populations.
2. AHPs will be able to demonstrate their impact on population level outcomes through robust evaluation and research methods.
3. AHPs will be a go-to public health provider of choice.
4. The excellent relationships that exist between AHPs and strategic public health leaders at local, regional, national and international levels will be fully utilised.
5. Effective leadership at every level will support AHPs to be an integral part of the public health workforce.
Click here to read the new strategy.