NIHR launches new research strategy

Published: 06 February 2018 Ezine

The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) has launched its new research strategy to support Allied Health Professionals working with, and for, the NIHR Clinical Research Network (CRN).

The strategy reflects the NIHR mission to “provide a health research system in which the NHS supports outstanding individuals working in world class facilities, conducting leading edge research focused on the needs of patients and the public”.

The strategy sets out five strategic goals:

Goal 1: Increase the visibility of AHPs as leaders across all research settings Develop effective leadership by AHPs in support of research, including building awareness, demonstrating innovation and promoting and sharing best practice

Goal 2: Strengthen AHP research capacity & capability Promote the development of an AHP research workforce that is fit for future challenges within research and maximises the potential of AHPs for patient benefit.

Goal 3: Support AHPs to deliver research that is relevant to patients and public AHPs are supported to be research active and instrumental in facilitating patient and public access to relevant research, along with playing an active part in supporting the development of appropriate research questions

Goal 4: Support AHPs to embrace innovation in their research roles AHPs are supported to actively seek opportunities to drive areas of innovation in research challenges, such as new ways of working and digital technology

Goal 5: Build strong AHP partnerships that deliver visible research impact The NIHR CRN works in partnership across and outside the NIHR to maximise the impact of AHP research activity

Click here for the full document.