The reporting of diagnostic images by trained specialist, Advanced and Consultant radiographer practitioners is long established in the UK.
Current benchmarking results for NHS services in England indicate that over 21% of all imaging examinations (including ultrasound) receive definitive reports from radiographic staff and sonographers.
Society of Radiographers (SoR) criteria for the training and development of competence in specialist clinical image reporting require that this is achieved in collaboration with and under the supervision of consultant radiologists at a local level.
Post registration education and ongoing audit of practice is essential. Radiographer reporting should be introduced within services as a response to service need.
Since 2012, the SoR policy regarding team-working with radiologists, including in the delivery of image reporting services has been as stated in the joint RCR and CoR document, Team Working in Clinical Imaging. This guidance provides a clear and agreed framework for safe and effective practice.
The SoR has no policy to prioritise radiographer image reporting in preference to reporting by consultant radiologists.
The SoR will support initiatives to develop the profession of radiography where these lead to improved services to patients.
The SoR considers it has a duty to support expansion of the scope of practice for radiography in accordance with our Objects and in sustaining future services to patients.