Save over 15% before 15 March for mBIT Leadership Decision Making course

Published: 07 March 2018 Ezine

We live in increasingly uncertain times, especially in healthcare. Are you keeping pace with this accelerating rate of change?

Good leaders are good decision makers, and recent research shows that you don’t make decisions from just the head – you need to know how to tap into your intuitive awareness at the heart and gut levels in order to bring wisdom to the process and lead others in times of complex change.

This two-day course, taking place on 16-17 May, will be taught by Dr Suzanne Henwood, one of the world’s leading mBIT Master Trainers and a former diagnostic radiographer with a PhD in professional development.

As a result of attending, you will:

  • Gain increased clarity and confidence in your everyday decision making
  • Learn about new cutting-edge techniques that will improve your decision making
  • Take away practical tools that you can use in your daily life

Register today to take advantage of the reduced rate earlybird registration fees.