Reviews of two Society guidance documents are coming up and members are invited to join the core or stakeholder groups.
The documents are:
The core groups for each review will comprise a SCoR professional officer and three to five people, including patient and carer representation. Members of the core groups must be able to commit themselves to the project tasks and agreed timescale.
Members will be chosen for their specific expertise in the subject matter and the SCoR is especially keen for at least one member of each group to have the research experience and critical skills needed to undertake a systematic review of literature.
Two stakeholder groups of members, lay people, peers and those with expert opinion in the topics will also be formed and peer professional involvement is sought from all levels of the workforce; managers, educators, researchers, students and practitioners.
The guideline and advice reviews will again be aimed at a professional audience in partnership with patients. Work will include consideration of any barriers to implementation of guidance and the development of resources for implementation, summary documents and patient information leaflets.
“For the practice guideline and advice to achieve the widest possible acceptance it must have the support of patients and carers, and of the whole workforce involved in service delivery,” said Rachel Harris, the Society’s professional and education manager and research lead.
If you would like to be part of the reviews please contact Tracy O'Regan with expressions of interest for work on the dementia guideline or Rachel Harris with expressions of interest for work on skincare advice.