The Office for Students (OfS) is launching a second Strategic Interventions in Health Education Disciplines (SIHED) challenge fund, offering up to £400,000 for ‘innovative approaches to recruitment to, or delivery of, allied health courses.’
All universities offering therapeutic and diagnostic radiography courses are eligible to apply.
Approved providers on the OfS register can bid for a maximum of £50,000 as individual institutions, or as lead institutions leading a collaborative project.
Decisions will be made in May 2019 and funding will be released from June. Projects are expected to conclude and submit their final evaluation by December 2020.
A potential bidder’s workshop will be running on 8 February 2019 in London and interest to attend can be registered.
The initial SIHED challenge fund was launched in 2018 to encourage the development of new approaches to the delivery of, or recruitment to, healthcare courses. The first round was restricted to podiatry and therapeutic radiography.