We are Equalise

Published: 18 September 2018 Ezine

Ben Stuttard, Vice-Chair, writes the first of a series of articles to increase the visibility of Equalise, the Society of Radiographers equality and diversity group.

The purpose of the group is to promote equality and diversity issues within the Society and provide a forum where interested members can come together to discuss various SoR policies and documents.

The work we do is underpinned by the nine protected characteristics of the Equality Act (2010), which are age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion or belief; sex and sexual orientation.

Equalise was present at the two most recent Society Annual Delegate Conferences, where we proposed motions that were passed and have now gone to UK Council for incorporation into their work for the coming year.

Motions included:

  • Pensions in relation to both gender equality and the pension rights of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) members of the Armed Forces;
  • The need to make improvements to the SoR IT infrastructure to provide a more inclusive and welcoming environment for non-binary members;
  • A survey to find out members’ gender awareness;
  • And a call for ways to allow more black, Asian and minority ethnic and disabled members to achieve more senior roles within the health service.

Recently, we have been working to highlight how the recent changes to the IR(ME)R regulations that came into force earlier this year will impact on the day to day work of our members.

The Society has a document called Trans Equality; guidance for the radiography workforce (imaging and radiotherapy) which includes information for reps and trans members of the Society.

As per motion 66 from ADC 2017, this document is currently being updated to include a chapter on gender awareness. It will be available in the Autumn.

The Society is also working in conjunction with the Royal College of Radiologists to provide guidance for members on how the regulation changes affect the need to check a patient’s pregnancy status.

If you are interested in joining or finding out more about us, then please email or find us on Twitterand Facebook @SCoREqualise.