SoR welcomes NHS pension regulation updates

The 'McCloud' remedy aims to remove age discrimination from the NHS Pension Scheme.

Published: 11 January 2022 Government & NHS

The SoR have welcomed the long overdue publication of regulations explaining how the Government will manage the implementation of the McCloud rectifications, and facilitate supporting members to access their protected benefits, whilst closing the old schemes from 1st April 2022.

SoR Executive Director and NHS Pension Scheme Advisory Board member Dean Rogers says, “The uncertainty around this has been a huge concern to many, especially those approaching 60 and worrying about if and how they’d be able to afford to retire early.

We’re delighted this uncertainty is now lifting. We can now confidently reassure people they don’t need to rush into making any decisions and they will still be able to retire at or after 60 but before 67 without losing any of the pension benefits they have accrued up to now.”

Members are advised to read our guidance for members and to look on the SoR website for further updates around the NHS pension scheme over the coming weeks.