I'm a therapeutic radiographer: Can I work on a diagnostic CT scanner?

The SCoR does not advocate this

Published: 30 April 2020 CT

In response to queries from members about whether therapeutic radiographers who use CT in radiotherapy planning can also operate a diagnostic CT scanner to image non-cancer patients, an FAQ has been published on the Society's Covid-19 site.

“The SCoR does not advocate this change in or transfer of skills for any therapeutic radiographer to 'effectively' work as a diagnostic radiographer,” the advice says.

“All radiographers have a duty to practice safely and effectively within their own scope of practice. This relates to both the range of patient morbidities and the imaging tools used to either diagnose or treat patients.”

The guidance can be read in be read in full at the Society's Covid-19 site. It is also available in the Policy and Guidance Document Library.