Safer Radiotherapy triannual report published

Near-miss and error reporting

Published: 16 July 2020 Safer Radiotherapy triannual report published

The latest edition of Safer Radiotherapy: triannual error analysis and learning report is out.

It demonstrates the value of near-miss and error reporting to support the UK radiotherapy community.

A full radiotherapy error (RTE) data analysis of December 2019-March 2020 is available, as well as a case study, RTE reports, and a breakdown of process codes.

RTE classification levels one to five are included in the document, covering:
- Reportable radiation incident
- Non-reportable radiation incident
- Minor radiation incident
- Near miss
- Other non-conformance

Information on safety barriers, causative factors and brachytherapy RTE is also included.

Download the Safer Radiotherapy: triannual error analysis and learning report.