An NHS trust has written to black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) staff pledging support during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Acknowledging that coronavirus has a 'disproportionate impact on BAME colleagues', the letter from the trust's chief executive and the director of people sets out five commitments.
Peter Lewis, CEO at Somerset NHS Foundation Trust, said, “We recognise how worrying it is at the moment for our colleagues and we want to provide them with as much support as we can.
“Our BAME colleagues make a significant contribution to our trust and the care we provide to patients. We are grateful for their ongoing commitment.”
BAME people are being included in the trust's 'vulnerable and at risk group', as well as being on the priority list for Covid-19 testing.
Peter Higgs, the Society's national equality officer, said, "We welcome Somerset’s proactive decision in advance of the national inquiry into BAME and Covid-19 and would encourage all trusts to carefully consider their position for all staff who may be at a higher risk."