Your chance to learn more about the European Federation of Radiographer Societies

The EFRS has launched a regular newsletter - first edition available to read here...

Published: 28 February 2023 International news

The SoR is a National Society member of the European Federation of Radiographer Societies, which has just circulated its first newsletter.

The UK is represented on the EFRS Board by Dr Andrew England, President of the EFRS, and Charlotte Beardmore, Immediate Past President, both are executive board members. Chris Kalinka is the SoR UK Council member for the EFRS.

Click here to download a copy of the EFRS newsletter.

The EFRS Newsletter aims to help the EFRS Executive Board and the EFRS Management Structure to communicate with all EFRS full and affiliate members and the radiography community across Europe and beyond.

Members can contribute

The newsletter will cover contents from the Executive Board, the Educational Wing Management Team, committees, working Groups, collaborative stakeholders and also from EFRS members.

Dr England said: "As an organisation, the EFRS continues to grow from strength to strength. Our global voice is growing, and we have an effective Executive Board and CEO guiding the EFRS mission. I am proud that the EFRS represents over 100,000 radiographers across Europe and that our National Societies and Affiliate Member numbers continue to grow.

"Communication with our membership is extremely important. This inaugural newsletter is the start of a carefully planned EFRS Communication Strategy which aims to increase our dialogue with you."