Regulators issue thanks and guidance to AHPs

"We are immensely proud of the AHP community," they say.

Published: 24 January 2022 Professionalism

The Chief Allied Health Professions Officers (CAHPO) and the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) have written to all UK Allied Health Professionals thanking them for their response to the pandemic and updating them on regulatory requirements.

The organisations also advise AHPs that regulatory standards are flexible and “designed to provide a framework for decision-making in a wide range of situations”.

“We are immensely proud of the AHP community for their continued professionalism and focus during the pandemic. Against the backdrop of the Omicron variant we know that you continue to work tirelessly to improve Covid and non-Covid care. We are dedicated to doing what we can to ensure you feel supported as you continue to deliver the best possible services through this challenging time,” says the letter.

It goes on to reference guidance that says that “challenging circumstances’ will be taken into account when considering cases of potential non-compliance.

“Where a concern is raised about a registered professional, it will always be considered on the specific facts of the case, taking into account the factors relevant to the environment in which the professional is working. We would also take account of any relevant information about resource, guidelines or protocols in place at the time.”

Both organisations also pledge to support AHPs in training.

“We remain committed to ensuring the long-term prospects of AHPs in training and are working with the education bodies in the four nations to maintain as far as possible student education programmes. We urge you to support this and continue to offer student placement opportunities wherever possible.”

They reiterate that local arrangements for changes to educational placements do not require regulatory sign-off but basic principles should apply when considering changes.

These are: 

• Education providers must ensure individuals meet the standards of proficiency
prior to final award of the degree
• Education providers must be satisfied that amended placement arrangements
continue to meet the HCPC's education standards (particularly in relation to
provision of practice-based learning)
• Students must continue to be appropriately supervised and provided with
suitable opportunities to meet learning outcomes.

The joint statement can be found here