Update from Scottish Council

This update is from the Chair of Scottish Council.

Published: 25 June 2020 Scotland

It has been a difficult time for everyone in health and social care over the past months, not least for those in diagnostic and therapeutic radiography. The education sector has also had significant challenges so we watch with interest how things develop as services start to return to more of a normal footing. Scottish Council has had its own difficulties functioning in this period though we have been monitoring events and taking action where we can, and of course SCoR officers have continued to operate on behalf of members. We hope to be back to normal functioning as soon as events allow, but in the meantime here are a few matters of relevance or interest to you:

Approach to the Cabinet Secretary regarding service impacts due to Covid 19.
You will see below a letter to Jeane Freeman the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport in which we outline the significant short and longer term impacts on imaging and radiotherapy and our call for appropriate actions. Also below is her response in which she outlines the Scottish Government’s intentions as the Covid crisis abates. We believe that the Covid crisis has starkly outlined the need to drive forward many of the existing initiatives related to developing the roles and development of the radiography work force.

Health workers pay claim
At present, the Scottish Government is advocating a move to now negotiating for the 2020 – 2021 year instead of reopening negotiations for the 19 – 20 period. The sense amongst the health unions is that this will likely be the most expedient path, taking into account the expected fallout from dealing with Covid.

Scottish Council AGM and Study Day
In common with elsewhere in the UK, we have opted to cancel our annual event in view of the logistical difficulties associated with running a successful event. We are currently exploring the possibility of making some online opportunities available and will in due course advise on how this may work out.

National Officer for Scotland
Following the departure of Deborah Shepherd, I am pleased to welcome Yvonne Stewart to the role of National Officer. Yvonne has extensive experience of the industrial relations landscape in Scotland will be a welcome addition to the team supporting radiographers in Scotland. I would like also to acknowledge and thank Tony Axon who has done excellent work in the interim period.

I realise this has been a challenging period for radiographers, particularly those who have been the victims of Covid 19. I would like to take the opportunity to wish you all well and trust that in due course events will return to some degree of normality. I hope to keep you updated over the next few months regarding relevant information.

Ian Henderson
Chair, Scottish Council

Letter sent from SCoR to the Scottish Cabinet Secretar: Emerging issues for Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy Services

Response letter from the Scottish Cabinet Secretary