Exciting changes at Synergy News

In 2022, we are making some significant and exciting changes to your member magazine

Published: 21 December 2021 SoR

Following on from the re-launch of Imaging Therapy and Practice, as Insight, a move which has proved very popular and won considerable praise from the academic community, we are making some exciting changes to your member magazine, Synergy News.
Our designers have been working hard to give Synergy News a fresh, modern look and feel, which reflects the constantly evolving nature of radiography, increasingly at the forefront of all aspects of healthcare. Bold use of images and typography will make the magazine a joy to read and a brand of which members can be really proud.
Content will greater reflect the excellent work done by diagnostic and therapeutic radiographers, sonographers and our student members, with inspiring feature stories and profiles of colleagues shaping the future of the profession. We will bring you all the news you need to develop your career and to understand the increasingly complex worlds of health policy, politics and regulation.
Of course, the work of the Society will be extensively covered, with updates on how everyone is working hard to represent you and serve your professional, educational and employment interests.
As a part of our ongoing sustainability commitment, we will be reducing the frequency of publication from 12 to 10 issues a year, dropping January and August, the two periods of the year when there tends to be less news and fewer developments to cover,
We also are keen to hear from more of our members who want to share their practice and opinions, so please feel free to contact our team at [email protected] with a view to publication.
We hope you will enjoy your new look Synergy (yes, we are dropping the News bit!) when it comes through your door in the first week of February.