The next edition of Synergy will not be delayed by traffic or trains, soaked in the rain, or ripped on the edges of your letterbox. It will simply arrive in your email inbox with the minimum of fuss and wait for you to dip in at your leisure.
There you will find all your favourite SoR content and more on the latest in radiography, carefully wrapped up in a brand new, engaging digital experience.
Click here to read the first edition (May) of digital Synergy
The new platform, which we trialled with Imaging & Oncology magazine in 2022, will be superior to our current PDF-based format in every way - more accessible, mobile friendly, with easier discovery and social sharing functionality. Plus, it will allow seamless integration of multimedia content for an enhanced reader journey.
But don’t just take our word for it. Watch what President Ross McGhee had to say, when we interviewed him about the transition from print to digital and the beginning of a new era for your membership magazine.
As Ross says, sustainability has been a significant factor in the decision to go digital. In 2022, we printed and shipped over 8 million pages of Synergy content, meaning that reducing the use of print will drastically reduce our impact on the environment.
Of course we would love to hear your feedback on the new Synergy when it goes live in May. And If you do have any suggestions for areas of practice and professional life that you would like us to cover in the magazine, please do get in touch with the content team by emailing [email protected]. We are always keen to hear your news and ideas.
To ensure you receive the new digital Synergy magazine by email, please make sure your contact details are correct in our database. And, of course, they are vital for all of our important communications around pay and industrial relations.
It's quick and easy to update your details. You can do this online via the My Account area after logging into this website or by contacting the membership team on 020 7740 7200 or by emailing [email protected].
Make sure the SoR has your up-to-date home address, preferred email address, mobile phone number and main NHS workplace, so that we can keep in touch with you.