Announcing the World Radiography Day poster competition 2022

Everything you need to know about designing and submitting your posters

Published: 06 July 2022 SoR

Once again we will be running a poster competition for World Radiography Day on 8 November.

This is an opportunity to have your artwork brought to life and displayed in hundreds of imaging and radiotherapy departments across the UK to help inform patients and visitors about the brilliant work you do.

Four poster designs will be chosen to be included in the packs, which can be requested by departments as part of their World Radiography Day celebrations.

The posters each have the winner’s name printed on them, and they will receive a cash prize equivalent to a year's membership of the SoR, and a framed copy of their design.

So, this year we are asking you to design a poster with the theme of ‘Pride in our profession’.


  • Design a poster you believe will do your profession proud and present it in a positive way to the public.
  • Members can submit upto five entries.
  • You may use any medium you wish, from paints and pens to Photoshop or Word.
  • It can be a collage, a drawing, or whatever format you prefer and find easiest.
  • Please avoid including images that you do not have rights/permission to use.


Scan or take a photo of the design (if it’s not digital) to create a PDF or a jpeg. If you create your concept in a digital program, please submit a PDF of the final design. The deadline is Friday, 5 August 2022.

Find out more and submit your design.


The Society’s Communications Forum, which is made up of members and officers from the organisation. Winners will be announced on the 15 August.


All artwork, designs and logos must be your own work.

But you don’t need to be a designer or artist. This is a competition open to everyone. 

"Your concept doesn’t need to be perfect. It can be as simple as a pencil sketch. It’s the ideas that are important, not how they are presented," says Richard Evans, the Society’s Chief Executive Officer. "Your design will be sensitively translated to a standard that can be printed on a poster. It’s your inspiration we’re looking for. It needs to stand out from the crowd. The more striking the idea, the better!"