SoR members tell how they voted in the England pay ballot

All SoR members in England invited to share their reasons for voting

Published: 12 June 2023 Trade Union & IR

SoR members in England have started voting in the ballot on industrial action, and giving their testimonials as to how they are voting and their reasons for doing so.

The SoR is urging members to reject the government's pay award and specialist radiographer Kelly Ditchfield has voted in favour of industrial action.

Kelly (pictured), a union learning representative, told the SoR: "I have voted to reject the current pay offer. Gone are the days that I have spends left over from my wage. Every month I’m scraping by. The cost of essential bills, food, nursery etc have steeply risen but my wage hasn’t!



"I went to university, work extremely hard and have devoted my working life to caring for others. All I ask is that I should be respected and my pay be re-evaluated.

"We are highly skilled workers. A pay rise would help incentivise radiography to prospective students, improve our working conditions, boost morale and help to retain the fantastic radiographers that we already have. Vote YES to further action!"

All SoR members in England are invited to share their reasons for voting - email your testimonial for publication to: [email protected].