The annual SoR Workplace Experience Survey is now open

Employees in NHS and private sector invited to share experiences and inform SoR campaigning

Published: 24 May 2023 Trade Union & IR

The SoR is issuing their second annual Workplace Experience Survey and are asking all members to take a short time to complete this important tracking survey.

The survey covers areas such as workforce numbers; how safe people feel at work; and whether they would recommend their work to others. The first survey provided some important insight and useful feedback on workplace realities across the NHS.

Complete the SoR Workplace Experience Survey here

The data echoed many of the findings in the NHS Workforce Survey but allowed the SoR to set these broad headlines around the context of radiographers’ work. This data has been used in multiple briefings to politicians and policy makers, in discussions with other unions and also in our evidence to the NHS Pay Review Body.

This year we are developing the survey to also include members in the private sector. This will be important to help the SoR compare responses from members working in the NHS to fellow members in the private sector. 

It is often said that the private sector offers more flexibility than the NHS or that it is better staffed and resourced. The data from the survey will provide insights as to whether this is the reality for members. We can also track themes in the NHS to see if there are noticeable changes or trends from our previous survey.

Powerful data

SoR Executive Director of Industrial Strategy and Member Relations, Dean Rogers, said: “Our first survey made an impact. Real data is powerful. It backs up our arguments to employers and governments, reinforced by stories from members that illustrate the data. It also helps keep the SoR honest and credible. If the data we get contradicts some of our assumptions then we challenge ourselves and can delve deeper into an issue to understand it better ourselves.

“Last time we had a good representative response from all parts of the country and members in all grades. This allowed us to know the findings were representative and also look for differences, for example between regions. This survey will give us real insight into the differences between the working experience in the private sector and the NHS, as well as potentially between nations and different employer groups.

"We have a big year of campaigning ahead with lots of influencing to do, including ahead of a General Election so a strong response will help us make the radiography case. We are lucky to have a really active and engaged membership. This is one of the opportunities for us to listen to members and for members to shape our policies and actions. The few minutes it takes to complete the survey will be really valuable time helping the Society.”

The survey closes at 3pm on Friday 2 June and is open to both private sector and NHS employees. 

Complete the SoR Workplace Experience Survey here