UK Council vacancies: 'Are you up to the challenge?'

Elections in Midlands, Northern Ireland, Scotland, South West, and Yorkshire and North Trent.

Published: 26 March 2020 SoR

Members are advised that the opportunity to apply to become a regional representative to UK Council has arisen due to the following Council Members completing their terms of office on 2 July 2020. 

The following Council representatives will be standing for re-election:

  • Dave Pilborough, Midlands
  • Gill Hodges, Northern Ireland
  • Claire Donaldson, Scotland

The following Council representatives are standing down:

  • Tom Beaumont, South West
  • Karen Smith, Yorkshire and North Trent

Nominations are therefore sought for a three year term of office, starting on 2 July 2020 for these regions/countries.

If you are a member from one of these regions/countries and would like to apply, please contact the executive secretary, Liz Robinson, to request a nomination pack, or call 020 7740 7236. 

Completed nomination forms must be returned by 11 May 2020 at Midday. 

Please note: because SoR HQ staff are working remotely, nomination forms will need to be returned by e-mail.